The Most Addicting Games Of 2022 (So Far)NightMayor
Jun 2022 -
Welcome addicting gamer, this is Addicting Games speaking. We’re back on this the 6th month of the calendar year —colloquially known as June to many— to do a quick review of what we consider to be the best games published by us so far this year. We’re using a secret sauce to determine what we consider the best.
Enter The Fractal Cup EV.IO Tournament And Win And Win And Win And Win Big!NightMayor
May 2022 -
Fractal is sponsoring a major EV.IO tournament this Saturday, Saturday, Saturday, May 7th, and Sunday, Sunday, Sunday, May 8th!!! Now, you may be asking yourself "just how major is this tournament?” Well, how about ten thousand dollars major, bucko! That's right, the good people at Fractal have teamed with Addicting Games, and EV.IO to bring you the first-ever EV.IO Fractal Cup and it is all happening this Saturday, Saturday, Saturday, May 7th, and Sunday, Sunday, Sunday, May 8th.
EAnswering Those FAQ About And NFTsNightMayor
Apr 2022 -
Hello, gamer friends. This is your favorite online gaming websitAddicting Games speaking. We are a gaming publisher that has been around for over twenty years and have always offered the best free games on the web or your mobile device. Our goal has been to not only publish cutting-edge games but to also produce them. Among our many varied titles, we have always had a soft spot in our heart for We love and that is why we talk about it all of the time. is a futuristic browser-based FPS game that you can play for free with no login directly in your browser right now.